Concordia Solution Indonesia

An On-Demand Computer and Printer Service Mobile Application that build in 4 parts. A backend for processing the request, mobile application for Customer, mobile application for Engineer and web application for the Back-office.

Concordia Solution Indonesia

A Sales Analytics Software as a Service for Small and Medium Business to gain insight of the data and making informed decisions.

Sean Alfa Nusantara

A Project Management and Cost Control web application. 

Concordia Solution Indonesia

Website with Content Management System

Concordia Solution Indonesia

Website with Content Management System. 

Global Solusindo Kompudata

Website with Content Management System

O2 Essentials

Product Catalogue Website with Content Management System. 

Aman Sentosa Investigation Agency

Website with Content Management System

Detektif Asmara

Website with Content Management System. 

Detektif Jubun

Website with Content Management System

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